Terms of use

General Terms

Palmers.gr is the online store of exhibition and distribution of products through the Internet, of the Greek company under the name ZOI BARTZIOTI SA, with TAX ID 094242037, G.E.M.I. 1523401000 , located at 6 Voukourestiou, 10671 Athens, phone +30 210 3211103. Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store palmers.gr of ZOI BARTZIOTI SA

Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions as well as PRIVACY POLICY, COOKIES POLICY, PAYMENT METHODSSHIPPING METHODSRETURN POLICY ,because your further use and browsing of the palmers.gr website implies your explicit and unconditional consent and consent with them.

Limited license

Our online store, under the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right of access, use and presentation of this website and its contents. This license does not constitute a transfer of title to the Website and its components and is subject to the following restrictions: you may not modify the website and its elements in any way or reproduce or present them publicly, or distribute or otherwise use the website and its elements for any public or commercial purpose, unless otherwise permitted by the present.


Our online store reserves the right to change or modify the applicable terms and conditions for the use of the website at any time. Such changes, modifications, additions or deletions to the terms and conditions of use will take effect immediately upon disclosure, which may be given by any means including, but not limited to, the placement of new terms and conditions on the Website. Any use of the website following such change or modification will be deemed your acceptance of such changes, modifications, additions or deletions. Our online store may, at any time, terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any part of this website, including the availability, presentation or description of any product or service.

Limitation of Liability

Our online store, its employees, or other agents, are not responsible, under any circumstances, for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special damages or costs or penalties, including, but not limited to, lost profits, the company, loss of information or data, or loss of customer, loss or damage to property, and any claims of third parties arising out of or in connection with the use, copying, or presentation of this website or its contents or any other linked website, regardless of whether our online store was informed, knew or should have known of this possibility.

Copyright and Trademark

All the design of the website, the text, the graphics, the selection and its settings, are the property and Intellectual Property Right © 2020 of ZOI BARTZIOTI SA All rights reserved. Any text or image bearing the TM, SM or © symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks and are used herein with the permission of their respective owners.

All content of the online store, such as insignia, trademarks, images, etc., is the intellectual property of the company (or third parties from which the Company has obtained a license to display them) and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. The names, distinctive titles, marks, images, photographs, logos and graphics listed in the online store on the palmers.gr website or the products or services of the Company or third parties, are assets and trademarks of the company or third parties respectively, and are protected by relevant copyright and trademark laws. The appearance of these on this website and in the online store of the company, should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, process, resell, create a product, modify in any way, or mislead the public about the actual provider of the online store.

Electronic Dispute Resolution

All content of the online store, such as insignia, trademarks, images, etc., is the intellectual property of the company (or third parties from which the Company has obtained a license to display them) and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. The names, distinctive titles, marks, images, photographs, logos and graphics listed in the online store on the palmers.gr website or the products or services of the Company or third parties, are assets and trademarks of the company or third parties respectively, and are protected by relevant copyright and trademark laws. The appearance of these on this website and in the online store of the company, should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, process, resell, create a product, modify in any way, or mislead the public about the actual provider of the online store.

According to Directive 2013/11 / EC, which was incorporated in Greece with JM 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic settlement of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure (ADR) is now provided throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (ie a natural person acting outside the professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR process through the single all-union platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform ADR) available at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage